Tuesday 8 May 2012

hilton windhoek one of the most expensive buildings ever constracted in namibia
using HDR toning,this building is found at the corner of robert mugabe avenue and nelson mandela

Wednesday 25 April 2012

this a logo i designed for my big brothers landscaping company
just had a new haircut and it looked very nice,i love my hair alot that i get a hair cut every week
wearing my dads wedding suit,its looks very classy
all dressed up to go represent the company i work for at the annual music awards
this is a picture of my blanket,by just applying a certain angle to a photograph it changes the way ur picture looks

via instagram for android :Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) is a Namibian brewery founded in 1920 when Carl List and Hermann Ohlthaver acquired four small breweries with financial difficulties. The breweries were merged together under the name South West Breweries Limited (SWB). SWB changed its name to Namibia Breweries Limited when Namibia gained independence on March 21, 1990. Ohlthaver & List Group of Companies are still the majority shareholder
my co-worker elton and i fooling around at a workshop at work

Wednesday 11 April 2012

this cow had earlier given birth that day and the calve was born a still dirth,so farmers give the cow coke

the mahangu plant,feeds the nation,this plant is commonly found in the northen parts of the country,it is harvested to make mahangu flour which is used too cook oshithima

demin shirt,new shades and a new hat
my mothers pride and joy,my little brother sten
my beautiful girlfriend karina,shes always there for me when ever i need someone to talk to and listen to what i ever i want to say
in this image you see the pride and beauty of the oshana region,which is represented by the palm trees which are found all over the region

Wednesday 4 April 2012

the new mercedes benz coupe,spotted this beauty at m+z recently and i was lost for words by the share beauty of this magnificent machine
a picture of my self
tjuna and maria,this is a potrait i did for them

my brother in an aston martin at aston martin dealership in capetown ,when we attented the jazz festival

Sunday 1 April 2012

Monday 12 March 2012

blue is my favourite colour,when i saw this lights i decided i wouldnt leave without taking a photo memory of such a beautiful sight
im lost for words,ok i am speechless such a picture taken by me
nothing beats the namibian sunset,so beautiful and so amazing

Wednesday 7 March 2012

I love hats even though i dont wear  hats,hats usually spell out confidence,it takes a confident to wear hats
The lady in the picture is ruusa,she is funy,hard working and very confident.her personality speaks to anyone who is willing to notice it

Tuesday 6 March 2012

behind bars the feeling couldnt get any worse then knowing that this bars seperate you from the world
water is life so power an yet do beautiful
light makes everything possible to see,kmowing that with the right camera uyou can actuallyy capture the momotion of light

Sunday 4 March 2012

this picture calms me down,taken on a day which wasn't really a good day for but taking this picture and looking at it makes me feel all good inside

Tuesday 28 February 2012

i want the money cars and the cloths,i suppose i just want to be successful
Success is a few steps away

Monday 27 February 2012

Thursday 23 February 2012

knocking of from a late night at work,i saw the lights which i loved